In the Game it is prohibited:

- for one User to register more than one game character with the purpose to get advantage in the game and/or increase the well-being of his other game characters or third persons’ game characters (so called multiboxing).
- To use other software means for improvement/automation of the Game capabilities (so-called robots, cheating).
- to use obscene and insulting words in the name (nickname) of the game character and clan name and also to register names (nicknames) and titles affecting politics, rousing racial hatred, being references to other Internet resources. Moreover, to avoid puzzlement among other players, nicknames and names of the character’s clan should not be similar with names (nicknames) of clans used by the Game Administration and other users.
- To humiliate and discredit the honour and dignity of the Game Administration, Moderators, other Players and third persons outside the Game.
- To violate and ignore the rules of behavior in the chatting room (systematic, purposeful violations).
- To use the Game software errors (bugs), to transfer information about their presence to third persons, excluding the Administration.
- to send, transfer, reproduce or distribute in any way the software and other materials received via the Game, in full or partially, that are protected by copyright or other rights, without the consent of the owner or lawful copyright holder.
- To distribute information of explicit sexual character (in the variety of its exposition and distribution ways) that is not meant for public access of the persons under adult age.
- to perform or provoke third persons to perform actions prohibited by the active legislation, including those connected with illegal drug trafficking, terroristic activity, appeals to overturn the legally elected authorities, pornography, any forms of discrimination with regard to gender, age, religion or other attributes.
- To transfer requisites of own character (Login, Password) to other players for free or for game or real money.
- To sell clans for game or real money, to exchange clans for things, resources, etc.
- To sell and buy things, artifacts, resources, game currency from the Game for real money.

For these and other violations of the Rules of the Game it may be immediately refused to the Player without any preliminary notification to provide the Game services or such services may be limited in full or partially.
The Administration shall govern and administer the Game solely at its own discretion.
The Game services shall be used by the Player only on his own and under as-is principle, it means that the Game Administration shall not be responsible to the Player under any circumstances for any direct and/or indirect damage that the Player may have in connection with the reception of the Game service or impossibility to get such service.

The present rules may be amended by the Game Administration without any preliminary notification. The Player is obliged to check the present rules for the subject of amendments no less than once in seven days’ time. In case such check-up is not made within the stated terms or after familiarization with the rules (a new version of the rules), the Player shall use the Fame service, and it is considered that the Player has read and understood the rules (a new version of the rules).